Monday, June 6, 2011

My Life Project

My class just complete the My Life final project. For this project, we all had to research the year we were born. I found out many interesting about 1995, which was the year I was born. I liked this project because it required research into my past. It complied all the skills we have learned throughout the semester. It helped me to become more comfortable with using the programs that the Mac computers have, like iMovie, Garageband, and Keynote. Because, of this project, I also now understand how each of the programs can interact with each other other to create a more unique and complex project. In all, I liked the outcome of this project.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Music Genome Project

For the music genome project for Tech Class, I chose to research and make an iMovie project for the Latin genre of music. I focused mainly on Latin pop. I explained its origins, how it is popular in Central and South America, as well as how it is influential in the United States. I discovered that Latin music has large influence on more than one aspect of life in the United States from its rhythms to dance inspired by Latin music. I also found elaborated on Latin artists that are not only popular in Latin America, but in the United States as well. This project gave me a greater understanding of how to use GarageBand and iMovie. I liked how my project turned out, and I liked this project in general, as well.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

iMovie Group Project

I worked in a group with Jensen Lawless, Katie Querciagrossa, and Sarah Mattern for our tech project. We did our iMovie project on the Intermediate Tech Apps course at Peoria Notre Dame High School. We interviewed all the Tech teachers, including Mrs. Rodolfi, Mrs. Brown, Ms. Perino, and Mrs. Strauss. We also interviewed our principal, Mr. Roy. In the project, we included such things as basic information regarding the class, partial interviews from the teachers, and quotes from the Apple Company CEO Steve Jobs. I liked working in a group. We got most of our work done quickly because my group worked well together. I hope we get to do more group projects in the future.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Movie Podcast

The movie I chose to make a summary about for the GarageBand podcast project is Remember the Titans. I chose this movie because it's a well-known movie, and it's one of my favorite movies to watch. Using the IMDb website and my own personal knowledge of the film, I got enough information to make an accurate summary of the movie, and I wrote the script myself. I used my mom's Apple laptop to do the project since I don't have a Mac computer myself. Since doing the GarageBand podcast, I now have a wider understanding of the GarageBand program on the Mac computer.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Storyboard Group Project!

I worked on the group project of creating the storyboard for a course at Peoria Notre Dame with Sarah Mattern, Jensen Lawless, and Katie Querciagrossa. . I liked working in a group because all the work was evenly distributed, and everyone had ideas to contribute, making the work much easier and much more fun. Our storyboard project worked out really well because all of our different abilities allowed us to be creative and unique from other groups. Our group was chosen wisely because all of our personality "colors" from the Color Test we took online fit each other's colors well so we could get work done quickly and efficiently. I look forward to continuing our group project work.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Name Project

I liked doing the name project because I thought it was fun to do. I liked looking for letters within the pictures, most of which had actually been taken by me. I cropped and rotated different pictures to emphasize the letter that I found within the picture itself. Most of the pictures I found letters in I had taken on various vacations I'd been on. I used the internet only for a few select letters which I found difficult to find within my own original photos. For example, I found both the letters "K" and "G" in pictures using the internet because I could not find any way in my pictures to make those two specific letters.  I also used personal pictures of my family and me to add at the end of the slideshow. The song I used with the slideshow of pictures is called "Secrets" by OneRepublic.

Friday, March 18, 2011


We had to write a charity letter for Tech class. The charity I chose was St. Jude Children's Research Hospital in Memphis, Tennessee. I chose to use this charity for my letter because my uncle went there to get treatment for lung cancer when he had cancer. The organization is close to my heart as well as my family's. I looked up facts about St. Jude, like that public donations help cover the $1.6 million operating cost, and included the facts in the letter. St. Jude is a great organization that helps many people, and that's why I chose to use it in my letter.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

M&M Project

Today we worked on the M&M project. Although I did this project almost every year in grade school, I never remembered how to do this project. I learned it better this time around, and we finished it much quicker than in grade school. I understand the M&M excel project and how excel works much better now than I ever did doing it every year in grade school. I liked the M&M project. It was a good project to work on for the second day of class. I look forward to learning more about computers and how to use them effectively as time goes on.

Monday, March 14, 2011

My Expectations

I haven't heard much about Tech class, but I expect to learn about computers. Although I haven't heard much about the class, I have been told about some of the projects we do. For example, other people have told me about the "My Life" project and the name project. I expect to learn how we will complete those. Also, although I have an HP laptop, I also expect to learn about the usage of Apple Mac computers. I am a sophomore, but this is my first year at Notre Dame. I decided to transfer a week before school started back in August, which explains why I don't have a Mac.